Friday 5 April 2013

Advancements made in space research and technology in India, incredible; says Sunita Williams

Ace astronaut Sunita Williams on Thursday praised the advancements made in space research and technology and urged India to keep up with the pace

Delivering a speech at an interactive session in Mumbai she said the advancements that have occurred over the last decade are incredible.

Space is getting more and more advanced every single day. What that means is that we are not as fast as 30 minutes take out delivery but we are about a four-hour, five-hour, six-hour launch to space and come back to earth, which is pretty incredible how things have changed just in the last year," she said.

Williams, who holds the record for the longest spaceflight by a woman -- 195 days-- is on a week-long trip to India.

She has seen the whole of India from space and she is excited to explore more of the country, which she is visiting after five years.

Earlier, Sunita Williams had said that the cooperation between India and US in the field of space has increased.
She has clocked a total of 50 hours and 40 minutes of spacewalk time.

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